1947 - Present

Finland hosted a luncheon for the participants to the 40th ICAO Assembly, September 2019. From left to right: Mr. Pekka Henttu, DGCA Finland, Mr. Jonas Bjelfvenstam, DGCA Sweden, Ms. Helene Jansson Saxe, Representative of Sweden on the Council, Mr. Samuli Vuokila, incoming Representative of Finland on the Council.

Receiving line at the Finland Assembly luncheon, September 2019

In 1996 Nordicao donated furniture to the office of the Secretary General and the Council President. From left to right: Mr. Karsten Theil, Danish Council Representative, Dr. Thorgeir Palson, DGCA Iceland, Mr. Philippe Rochat, SG from Switzerland 1991-1997.

Finland hosted a luncheon for the participants to the 40th ICAO Assembly, September 2019. From left to right: Mr. Pekka Henttu, DGCA Finland, Mr. Jonas Bjelfvenstam, DGCA Sweden, Ms. Helene Jansson Saxe, Representative of Sweden on the Council, Mr. Samuli Vuokila, incoming Representative of Finland on the Council.