NORDICAO is a joint delegation to ICAO with the mission of working together for safe, secure and sustainable aviation. Its member states are: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Norway and Sweden. The mutually agreed rotation scheme between the member states of NORDICAO is a significant demonstration of the cooperative nature in which the work of ICAO is developed.
A Nordic state has continuously held a seat in the ICAO Council since the first election in 1947. As founding members of ICAO and groundbreaking pioneers in aviation, NORDICAO has contributed throughout the history of civil aviation to the evolution of the global system.
Today, NORDICAO is a respected partner in the ongoing endeavor to continuously develop and enhance our common aviation system and participates in all stands of the work at ICAO. The Nordic countries are cooperative, capable and fair partners to the member states of ICAO, emphasizing coordination and innovation for the benefit of aviation and the environment. NORDICAO provides vital services to transatlantic traffic as Iceland manages one of the largest air traffic control areas in the world over the North Atlantic, or about 5.4 million km² through the Danish and Icelandic Joint Finance Agreement, concluded under the framework of ICAO.
The Nordic Delegation to ICAO represents a combined population of approximately 25 million, spread over a land area of 3.5 million km². The airspace controlled by the Nordic States totals approximately 8,4 million km², comprising a vast area in Northern Europe and over the North Atlantic equivalent to 82 percent of the European landmass or the entire landmass of Brazil.
The delegation has a permanent office in Montreal, Canada at the International Civil Aviation Organization, a United Nations special agency for aviation. NORDICAO is currently headed by ICELAND who was elected to the ICAO Council at the 41st General Assembly of ICAO in 2022.

Valdís Ásta Aðalsteinsdóttir
Valdís Ásta Aðalsteinsdóttir from Iceland,
Representative of Iceland on the Council of ICAO
Ditte Helene Bang
Ditte Helene Bang
from Denmark,
Alternate Representative of Iceland on the Council of ICAO
Anders Leufgård
Anders Leufgård
from Sweden,
Member of the Air Navigation Commission and Alternate Representative of Iceland on the Council of ICAO
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999 Robert Bourassa Boulevard,
Suite 15.25
Montreal, Quebec, H3C 5J9, Canada
+1 514 954 8290